
Business Chamber

The second leg will study and take care of all economic activities. We will seek solutions and unique ways to stimulate and develop the economy within our communities in an orderly manner and follow sound business practices.

We will address commerce in general, shops and industry in its totality to ensure that if feasible we will bring business to our community to cater for specific business shortages. We as business chamber have to do research and development in the best interest of our community and business sector to draw business to our area. Nobody else will do this research and development for us, we have to be pro-active and take charge of our own future in a positive way. We have to find unique ways to develop wealth, and bring peace and stability to our community.

As been said by Dr Adrian Rogers in 1931 and I quote: -


“You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it”.

Farming is an integral part of our community and business sector. A number of employees stay in Rammulotsi and if there are job losses due to the drought we will have to cater for the influx as they will have no livelihood to go to. This may include some farmers who may face liquidation and winding up. We as RavCom Business Chamber needs to be pro-active by envisage possible economic occurrences.
In Employer and Employee division we envisage a community based structure to assist with any labour issue that may influence our community. We would like to limit any outside labour structures that come and use any dispute for political gain and do more damage than good. Except for training already address above we want to ensure that we develop a peaceful working environment and offer support to all our people be it employer or be it employee.

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